Sunday, August 22, 2010

Harry's Sunday Suit

I have been searching high and low for a suit and tie for Harry for a while now but they seem to be very hard to come by here in New Zealand. Then a few weeks ago I popped into our local baby store and found a brand new suit, heavily reduced and the perfect size for Harry!
It came with everything from the trousers, jacket and waistcoat, through to the shirt and tie. Harry is very chuffed with his new suit and has been proudly wearing it to church for the last few weeks.
He isn't super keen on the jacket but tells everyone that he has a suit like Daddy's and that he looks just like a missionary. He looks a bit like Michael Jackson with those white socks though! Happy Happy Sunday everyone. :-)


Anonymous said...

Very cute:)

I have added your blog on my blog roll:)

Tui B said...

Thanks Sharlene. I have added you to mine too. :-)