All we did here was scrub everything to within an inch of it's life, and then paint the walls.
The floors however, were a different story. Just take a look at these 'before' photos and you will see what I mean.
The kitchen floors had apricot lino (to match the Aloha!) for the entire time we had owned the house and we were initially going to just leave it as it was. After thinking a little more about it, we decided that the lino really needed changing so checked out some vinyl options and got a quote, thinking it would be the cheapest option. We were stunned at the cost! It was a lot more than we thought it would be so we decided to go for our initial preferred option, which was polished floors.

Mum, Luz and Brian undertook the job one Saturday and after lifting chunks of the apricot vinyl up, realised there were multiple layers underneath that. The house is 60 years old and it was obvious that all the previous owners had simply laid their vinyl of choice over the existing flooring. Of course, once the job was started, it had to be finished and after a long day they achieved the impossible. It was all up! All that was left was a sticky mess of old black glue.

We called in our favourite floorsanding guys, Harbour Floorsanding and they worked their magic. It looked a million times better and was so worth the effort in the end as the kitchen now flowed with the rest of the living areas. I think the kitchen floors were one of the things we were happiest with during the whole redecoration process.
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